Saturday, March 17, 2012

Art Analysis: Jacob Lawrence

Jacob Lawrence, Ironing
                  This is a painting named Ironing by Jacob Lawrence. This work of art features an array of bold colors, and ethnic patterns on the pieces of cloth being ironed. The people are dressed in pale blue hats and matching dresses. The style is very simplistic and colorful.
                   This piece seems to be about preserving black culture. I can see this because the people in the painting are ironing cloth with ethnic patterns. Because they are also ironing modern day dress shirts, it shows they also care about the present.
                   One of the main HR themes used in the painting is "Identification with race." The people in the painting clearly care about their culture because they are ironing what seems to be traditional garb from Africa. Culture is something that can never be taken away, and because they have these pieces of clothing and blankets shows they want to hold onto it.
                    I like this painting because of how simple it looks. The blocks of color on the fabrics make them very bold, especially with Lawrence's choice of color. The only real shaded part of the painting are the workers. I also like how even though this was made in the 1940s, it looks so modern like it was painted in the 21st century.


  1. I really like the painting and your analysis of it. I also love the background of your blog

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