Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Brief Biography of Aaron Douglas

" Do not call me the Father of African American Arts,
for I am just a son of Africa,
and paint for what inspires me."

                 One of the many infleuential people of the Harlem Renaissance was the painter Aaron Douglas. Douglas was born in Kansas, and had an affinity to art ever since he was a child. He moved to New York shortly after recieving his B.A (Bachelor of Arts) degree from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Within a few monthes of staying in New York, Douglas had already started illustrating for two of the most important magazines of the HR, and got to work with Alain Locke
                  Aaron Douglas is considered the "Father of African American Arts" because his pieces are so inspired by African Culture. His style is abstract and features flat objects and geometric shapes. What really sets his work apart from others is his use of glowing rings around important objects in his work. His work is inspired by ancient Egyptian and West African art.
                   Douglas was not only limited to illustrating magazines, he also made illustrations for important writers of the HR including Countee Cullen and James Weldon. Not only this, but he also made murals and attempted at starting a magazine that would feature talented young artists. Douglas was infleuential because his art had a sense of pride in it, celebrating African culture as well as the achievments of black Americans. This is why the HR theme that reflects his life is "pride" because this is feeling he conveys through his work. He is proud of his African roots and it inspired him to paint about it.
                   I chose to write about Aaron Douglas because he made really great art. They are just so nice to look at. Douglas always painted with a nice palette of colors, each one complementing each other. I also like when you first look at the painting, it just looks nice, but upon further inspection you can see his work expresses many of his ideas. One of my favorite things about his work is that all his pieces look like they have the same concept, and share many of the same washed out colors.

1 comment:

  1. That's cool that he got to do art for covers of magazines and i really like the art pieces you chose to put up there really nice.
